Install the plugin as a Gadget

What's a Gadget

Gadgets are mostly based on JavaScript, so JavaScript has to be enabled in your browser for them to work.**
Also note that these special gadgets are not part of the MediaWiki software, and are usually developed and maintained by users on your local wiki.
---- MediaWiki

I suggest just read mediawiki.orgopen in new window, so tired to write anymore

Install this plugin as a Gadget

Gadgets on most wikis are defined by MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition, we suggest to install InPageEdit as a Gadget of your wiki, according to the following step.

  1. Start a new line at MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition and add some content:
* InPageEdit[resourceloader|rights=edit,skipcaptcha]|InPageEdit.js
  1. Create MediaWiki:Gadget-InPageEdit.js as:
 * 从下面的方法中任选一个即可 Choose one from the following
// 1. jsdelivr
// 2. unpkg
  1. Create MediaWiki:Gadget-InPageEdit and write some content like this:
[InPageEdit] - 由机智的小鱼君开发,面向熟练用户的快速维护工具集(小编辑、重定向、页面历史)
  1. All done! Visit the Preferences page → Gadget, and check if the Gadget is registered successfully.